A British man had one of the best nights of his life when he accidentally got £1 million from a cash machine.


The man named Dan Saunders went to the ATM and discovered a defect in it, and tried to transfer 200 Australian pounds, but the machine gave him an error message that "the transaction was canceled", but he tried to withdraw the money, and he got the cash he needed.


At first he didn't think much of it, but later that night he was walking home to the same ATM, tried again and ended up with $1,300 in cash.


All the while, the ATM was giving a message "transaction cancelled" and yet the money was coming out without taking any money from his bank account, according to the newspaper "thesun".


Between 1 and 3 am, the ATM is separated from the bank's network in Britain, and this allowed Dan to obtain unlimited money by transferring between his accounts, and he continued to do this in the following days and it turned into an addiction for him.


And Dan began spending this money on drinking and eating in the best restaurants and holding wild parties every weekend, and he spent about 1.6 million Australian pounds (more than 33 million pounds), and he bought a 20-seater private jet for his companion at a value of 50 thousand pounds..


And Dan used to parade with chaperones and spend his life far away enjoying expensive suits and caviar and champagne and once rented a minibus and stopped at all the motels in Melbourne to pick up people, then drove them to a large and impressive property he rented in the Yarra Valley where he hosted pool parties, and also paid some fees to his friends and sent a classmate to study in France.


But he felt guilty in the end and decided to call the bank to tell them what happened, and they told him that the police would contact him about this, but they did not do so until he appeared on a news program detailing his lifestyle.


However, it was three years before Dan was arrested on 111 counts of fraud and theft. After his arrest, he spent a year behind bars and went back to work at $13.50 an hour.


.Plus, he's also telling his story in a new podcast called The Glitch by Podshape, available on Spotify 

A man withdraws 33 million pounds after discovering a trick in the ATM machine

Because of the limited number of genetic genes. We can see a similarity between people in the world so much that we cannot differentiate between them|.

This explains the great similarity between some celebrities and ordinary people to a large extent. We will show you some pictures of celebrities and their likes, so can you differentiate between them. Let's see if     you can ?

  Sophie Turner

Kirsten Dunst

 Tobey Maguire

Scarlett Johansson

Milla Jovovich

Post Malone

Jason Momoa

Ryan Gosling

Dua Lipa

Freddie Mercury

See the great similarity between some celebrities and some people in an amazing way ,hat you will not be able to differentiate between them?

Many wondered why postmen  or postwoman wear shorts, indifferent to the cold weather so often

?What drives them to do that

.Which prompted some postmen to respond to them and clarify the matter for them

.And they explained to us that there was a very logical reason to do so

 .And after someone posted this question on Reedit

.....Received after unconfirmed answers

Some said they weren't sure if this was just a tradition in the postal industry, or if the postmen were just doing it for a laugh

But suddenly this question became viral and got everyone's attention

.He received many answers from the postmen themselves or some of their friends

One of the couriers said, We find wearing shorts more comfortable for us, because it is difficult to wear jeans when you walk more than 30,000 steps per day, which makes our feet very hot

One day I only wore pants because of the wind because that particular village was the highest point in town and it's a huge wind tunnel (I made the mistake once and I had windburn all over my legs) which on all other rides made me wear shorts pretty much all year round

Another commented, "This is not a tradition. Some couriers may wear sports pants sometimes if the moon is blue

And the third says: “It allows your legs to breathe, as the leg temperature may rise with long walking even in low temperatures

.Plus when it rains, your legs can dry out faster than wet pants 

However, one of the postwomen insists that this is part of a competition between postmen and post ladies, as they want to see who can walk farthest in shorts

So, postmen and post ladies simply put on shorts so as not to overheat

Considering they walk an average of five and a half miles a day, that's reason enough to wear shorts all year round

Postmen explain why they wear shorts despite the cold weather sometimes

 When the mother lowered her trunk to drink from the river, a crocodile hiding in the water bit her

But fortunately, the little elephant was next to the mother and decided to save his mother! As for the crocodile, on the other hand, it did not give the elephant the ability to fight, and it was gripping its trunk with all force

It was then that the little elephant realized that he had to act to save his mother, so he decided to jump on the crocodile to give his mother a better chance of survival

Finally, the crocodile could no longer bear the weight of the baby elephant and the strength of the mother's resistance together, so he finally decided to let go of the mother's trunk, freeing her. What a heroic effort from a loyal son


A baby elephant saves its mother from a deadly crocodile attack

When James White was fishing in Sonoma County, California from the coast he felt a strong pull on the line. He spent about 10 minutes fighting to break the line, only to regret it. At the other end was a 6-foot-long, seven-gilled shark

James went to eliminate the hook from the shark, but rather, the animal twisted and fell to the ground before sinking its teeth right into James' ankle

” Instantly there was blood anywhere, the first bite punctured an artery. The stress was extreme,” White informed NBC Bay Area

White yelled out for help, and fortunately, someone heard him: his one-year-old pitbull Darby, that was waiting in the car parked a few yards away

Hearing his human’s cries for help, Darby in some way managed to open among the car doors. He came rushing down to James to save the day

” I told him, ‘No, back off,'” James remembered. ” And after that he repositioned and grabbed it by the tail. He actually ran up the hill with it and pulled it off my leg”

Then, James tossed the shark back into the water, and it swam away. If it weren’t for Darby, he says, he would certainly have been a lot worse off, as the shark can have potentially severed an artery

See how this mighty Pitbull fought a 6-foot shark to save his friend


Of course, winning the jackpot is everyone’s dream at some point in their lives. It is hard to imagine what you can do with that big amount of money. Some people might buy a new house, while others might go on a magical vacation while some might share it with family members or consider investing it. in something. But Jin Park, the youngest lottery winner, had a different opinion after winning the grand prize. She asked everyone to be careful what they wish for, and she went on to say
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The youngest ever lottery winner asked to raise the age of winners for this reason


Have you ever thought that your dog could cause amputation of your foot or leg before now? I do not want to cause your concern, but I want you to take precautions in your dealings with him and to stop immediately if you are practicing this deadly act with him.
A medical expert warned dog owners not to do this act with their dogs and to stop practicing this habit with their dogs immediately. Due to the disastrous results that can be caused by this habit. They are after dog owners kiss their dogs on the mouth. And he completed saying. No matter how much time your furry friend spends licking his butt throughout the day, and no matter how weird it is, there are a few reasons why you should avoid mouth contact with your dog. And it is that I regret to tell you that you could lose your limbs as a result of doing so. “I'm sadly not kidding, because kissing your dog on the mouth can actually cause infection with something called Capnocytophaga Canimorsus. “This is a serious disease that can cause stomach infection, septic shock and even gangrene. "Depending on how quickly it's 
progressing and when it's diagnosed, amputation may become the only treatment

Click on number "2" to complete The article

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A medical expert warns if you do this to your dog, stop immediately

One of the people claiming that they came from the near future, time travelers, claimed that the Earth will soon be controlled by aliens who will come from Mars, the red planet. This was after vehicles from Earth landed on the surface of the planet, which aroused the ire of its inhabitants, and they decided to land and control the planet. This raised the concern of many on social media sites such as “Facebook”, “Tiktok” and "Twitter", because they saw that the words of these plaintiffs agree wholly or partially with the words of “Nostradamus”, which is that alleged French prophet who sees the future from the sixteenth century and Who predicted many events, such as the events of September, Hitler's rise to power, and other events that took place hundreds of years after his death, which actually took place. Michel de Nostredame wrote that there would be "light on Mars falling" during this current period of history, and he also supports Their claim is the statement of billionaire Elon Musk, who stated that very soon his vehicles will land on Mars. And about their statements about the date of the landing of these invaders to the earth and the occurrence of    massive death and global destruction

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The 'Time Traveler' claims that Aliens from Mars will take over Earth At this time of year.