Many wondered why postmen  or postwoman wear shorts, indifferent to the cold weather so often

?What drives them to do that

.Which prompted some postmen to respond to them and clarify the matter for them

.And they explained to us that there was a very logical reason to do so

 .And after someone posted this question on Reedit

.....Received after unconfirmed answers

Some said they weren't sure if this was just a tradition in the postal industry, or if the postmen were just doing it for a laugh

But suddenly this question became viral and got everyone's attention

.He received many answers from the postmen themselves or some of their friends

One of the couriers said, We find wearing shorts more comfortable for us, because it is difficult to wear jeans when you walk more than 30,000 steps per day, which makes our feet very hot

One day I only wore pants because of the wind because that particular village was the highest point in town and it's a huge wind tunnel (I made the mistake once and I had windburn all over my legs) which on all other rides made me wear shorts pretty much all year round

Another commented, "This is not a tradition. Some couriers may wear sports pants sometimes if the moon is blue

And the third says: “It allows your legs to breathe, as the leg temperature may rise with long walking even in low temperatures

.Plus when it rains, your legs can dry out faster than wet pants 

However, one of the postwomen insists that this is part of a competition between postmen and post ladies, as they want to see who can walk farthest in shorts

So, postmen and post ladies simply put on shorts so as not to overheat

Considering they walk an average of five and a half miles a day, that's reason enough to wear shorts all year round

Postmen explain why they wear shorts despite the cold weather sometimes

Many wondered why postmen  or postwoman wear shorts, indifferent to the cold weather so often

?What drives them to do that

.Which prompted some postmen to respond to them and clarify the matter for them

.And they explained to us that there was a very logical reason to do so

 .And after someone posted this question on Reedit

.....Received after unconfirmed answers

Some said they weren't sure if this was just a tradition in the postal industry, or if the postmen were just doing it for a laugh

But suddenly this question became viral and got everyone's attention

.He received many answers from the postmen themselves or some of their friends

One of the couriers said, We find wearing shorts more comfortable for us, because it is difficult to wear jeans when you walk more than 30,000 steps per day, which makes our feet very hot

One day I only wore pants because of the wind because that particular village was the highest point in town and it's a huge wind tunnel (I made the mistake once and I had windburn all over my legs) which on all other rides made me wear shorts pretty much all year round

Another commented, "This is not a tradition. Some couriers may wear sports pants sometimes if the moon is blue

And the third says: “It allows your legs to breathe, as the leg temperature may rise with long walking even in low temperatures

.Plus when it rains, your legs can dry out faster than wet pants 

However, one of the postwomen insists that this is part of a competition between postmen and post ladies, as they want to see who can walk farthest in shorts

So, postmen and post ladies simply put on shorts so as not to overheat

Considering they walk an average of five and a half miles a day, that's reason enough to wear shorts all year round

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