an asteroid that could make everyone on Earth a billionaire

NASA has confirmed the launch date of its mission to Psyche, which will study the 140-mile-wide asteroid "Psyche" that orbits the sun between Mars and Jupiter.


Whoever reads the news at first sees that it may seem like the plot of a blockbuster Hollywood movie, but this actually happens in real life.


Initial studies have shown that there is a firm belief that the asteroid is full of gold.


The mission was supposed to launch in August 2022, but due to technical difficulties and software issues, NASA missed the launch window.

However, everyone's dream of becoming a billionaire may be on the horizon.


NASA has confirmed that the "Psyche" mission will launch on October 1, 2023.


According to Forbes, the asteroid could contain a core of iron, nickel, and gold worth $10,000,000,000,000,000,000 — or $10,000 quadrillion.


And the rocket that will be used to carry out this flight will be the SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket ship.


Because of the new launch date, the Psyche spacecraft will arrive at the asteroid in August 2029 instead of 2026, so we'll have to wait a little longer to see if we all get super rich.


The mission will be part of NASA's Discovery Program, which will consist of space exploration using the low-cost robot.


Most asteroids are rocky or icy, but Psyche is thought to be the exposed metallic core of a dead planet.


The researchers hope the study will help provide more insights and information into our understanding of the Earth's core.


NASA explains that the asteroid is different because it appears to be the “exposed iron-nickel core of an ancient planet,” which just so happens to be one of the “building blocks” of our solar system.


He explains: "Deep in the rocky and terrestrial planets - including Earth - scientists infer that there are metallic cores, but these lie elusively below the planets' rocky mantles and crusts".


"Because we can't directly see or measure Earth's core, Psyche provides a unique window into the violent history of collisions and accretion that led to the creation of the terrestrial planets".


The mission is led by Arizona State University, while NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is responsible for mission management, operations, and navigation.


Also part of the mission is NASA's Deep Space Optical Communications Technology Demonstration, which will test "space broadband" with high-speed data lasers.

The Psyche asteroid is in orbit around Mars and Jupiter, putting it 309 million miles from the sun at the farthest point in that orbit.

Studies have stated that it is the size of the US state of Massachusetts, with an average diameter of about 140 miles.

The asteroid gets its name from the Greek god of spirit and was first identified in March 1852 by the Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis. 

NASA announces when it will launch its mission to an asteroid that could make everyone on Earth a billionaire.

an asteroid that could make everyone on Earth a billionaire

NASA has confirmed the launch date of its mission to Psyche, which will study the 140-mile-wide asteroid "Psyche" that orbits the sun between Mars and Jupiter.


Whoever reads the news at first sees that it may seem like the plot of a blockbuster Hollywood movie, but this actually happens in real life.


Initial studies have shown that there is a firm belief that the asteroid is full of gold.


The mission was supposed to launch in August 2022, but due to technical difficulties and software issues, NASA missed the launch window.

However, everyone's dream of becoming a billionaire may be on the horizon.


NASA has confirmed that the "Psyche" mission will launch on October 1, 2023.


According to Forbes, the asteroid could contain a core of iron, nickel, and gold worth $10,000,000,000,000,000,000 — or $10,000 quadrillion.


And the rocket that will be used to carry out this flight will be the SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket ship.


Because of the new launch date, the Psyche spacecraft will arrive at the asteroid in August 2029 instead of 2026, so we'll have to wait a little longer to see if we all get super rich.


The mission will be part of NASA's Discovery Program, which will consist of space exploration using the low-cost robot.


Most asteroids are rocky or icy, but Psyche is thought to be the exposed metallic core of a dead planet.


The researchers hope the study will help provide more insights and information into our understanding of the Earth's core.


NASA explains that the asteroid is different because it appears to be the “exposed iron-nickel core of an ancient planet,” which just so happens to be one of the “building blocks” of our solar system.


He explains: "Deep in the rocky and terrestrial planets - including Earth - scientists infer that there are metallic cores, but these lie elusively below the planets' rocky mantles and crusts".


"Because we can't directly see or measure Earth's core, Psyche provides a unique window into the violent history of collisions and accretion that led to the creation of the terrestrial planets".


The mission is led by Arizona State University, while NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is responsible for mission management, operations, and navigation.


Also part of the mission is NASA's Deep Space Optical Communications Technology Demonstration, which will test "space broadband" with high-speed data lasers.

The Psyche asteroid is in orbit around Mars and Jupiter, putting it 309 million miles from the sun at the farthest point in that orbit.

Studies have stated that it is the size of the US state of Massachusetts, with an average diameter of about 140 miles.

The asteroid gets its name from the Greek god of spirit and was first identified in March 1852 by the Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis. 

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