Of course, being poor is very annoying. Because when money becomes an issue, you may find it difficult

In doing the simplest things. Because you may find yourself having to prioritize some things Which you used to see as normal, such as food, hygiene, housing, and other things

One thing is for sure, when you are poor it means living a different life and this can be a bad thing for some and a good thing for others. Recently, some people online have shared things that poor people know very well, but most of the rich surely don't know, the reason is that money can solve certain problems without you even noticing the problem

# 1

You may be forced to save some of your salary in order to feel some security if something bad or something unexpected happens to you


How hungry are you? It's not that you're definitely hungry, but how do you feel about living your life hungry all the time, because that seems necessary

that the chosen situation of being on a diet is not the same as being hungry and unable to afford to do anything about it


You could probably raise the price multiple times on an everyday item and a rich person wouldn't even notice. A poor person would notice when something's 5-10c more expensive than before


Drinking water stops the hunger for a short while


The feeling of watching all your friends go on a field trip without you because your parents couldn't afford it


Poverty is a bit of a confusing definition to nail, but the numbers, as they stand now, all at least provide some understanding of how poor some people can get

According to Development Initiatives, an organization that aims to empower sustainable solutions for world problems by means of data, there are three poverty lines that most agree on: the official one, which is living on less than $1.90 a day, and the two that many argue are more representative given the higher cost of living in more developed parts of the world, i.e. $3.20 and $5.50

For context, there are nearly 700 million people (9% of the world’s population) who live on less than $1.90 a day. The number increases drastically when you consider that nearly 3.3 billion people live below the $5.50 a day threshold (pst, there are over 8 billion people on the planet, you can do the math)

5 Things that only the poor know, but the rich may not Don’t

Of course, being poor is very annoying. Because when money becomes an issue, you may find it difficult

In doing the simplest things. Because you may find yourself having to prioritize some things Which you used to see as normal, such as food, hygiene, housing, and other things

One thing is for sure, when you are poor it means living a different life and this can be a bad thing for some and a good thing for others. Recently, some people online have shared things that poor people know very well, but most of the rich surely don't know, the reason is that money can solve certain problems without you even noticing the problem

# 1

You may be forced to save some of your salary in order to feel some security if something bad or something unexpected happens to you


How hungry are you? It's not that you're definitely hungry, but how do you feel about living your life hungry all the time, because that seems necessary

that the chosen situation of being on a diet is not the same as being hungry and unable to afford to do anything about it


You could probably raise the price multiple times on an everyday item and a rich person wouldn't even notice. A poor person would notice when something's 5-10c more expensive than before


Drinking water stops the hunger for a short while


The feeling of watching all your friends go on a field trip without you because your parents couldn't afford it


Poverty is a bit of a confusing definition to nail, but the numbers, as they stand now, all at least provide some understanding of how poor some people can get

According to Development Initiatives, an organization that aims to empower sustainable solutions for world problems by means of data, there are three poverty lines that most agree on: the official one, which is living on less than $1.90 a day, and the two that many argue are more representative given the higher cost of living in more developed parts of the world, i.e. $3.20 and $5.50

For context, there are nearly 700 million people (9% of the world’s population) who live on less than $1.90 a day. The number increases drastically when you consider that nearly 3.3 billion people live below the $5.50 a day threshold (pst, there are over 8 billion people on the planet, you can do the math)

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